Mochi-Tsuki Kai :: 餅つき会 (Rice Pounding Party)

The annual Mochi Tsuki Kai typically happens in January and is held in partnership with the Japanese Friendship Society and the Victoria Japanese Language Heritage School Society. In addition to mochi pounding there is always plenty of activity to keep everyone entertained. The program has included entertainment such as: Uminari Taiko, Japanese folk dancing and singing (by both the Furusato Dancers and the Japanese language school children’s choir), karaoke and traditional Japanese games such as hanetsuki (Japanese badminton) and fukuwarai (Japanese “pin the tail on the donkey”). To help defray costs there is usually a 50/50 draw.

Mochitsuki Kai
Pounding mochi at the 2009 Mochitsuki Kai

For more Mochi information visit Wikipedia: